28-Sep-2008, 08:39 PM
Yesterday Benedict asked whether there are any butterflies in Chinese Garden. I thought that since I'd always gone there with specific intent to look for birds, that I'd go there and look for butterflies for a change.
Turns out there is a narrow strip of hedge between Chinese Gardens Public Park area and the old Sea & West where I sighted:
1) Saturn (record shot below)
2) Common Mormon (too fast to photograph)
3) One unid Arhopala (record shot below... Centaur OB?)
4) Grey Sailor (record shot below from hedge near carpark but saw same species near this hedge also)
5) Lemon Emigrant (no shot)
6) Yellows and Blues
7) A lot of skippers everywhere (1 open wing record shots below)
8) One large snake (dare not go close enough to take record shot)
9) One used Japanese made condom (record shot below in case you don't believe... I don't think I want to prone around that area to take any photos)
10) Lots of foreigners staring at you trying to take photos (dare not take record shot)
Best to start at the entrance to Japanese Garden (in the hedge with the white flowering plant (attached photo), I sighted what looked like Apefly and another medium sized white butterfly with blue tail and 2 black spots on it looks like peacock royale...chased it but it gave me the slip) and then by pass entrance to the public park area next to the carpark. Keep along the right side with the hedge all the way till you reach the strip. The strip is next to the playground (photo attached).
Generally don't think the place is conducive for photography. The snake was coiling away when I approached the hedge (you can hear the slow rustle unlike the quick rustle get away of a much smaller lizard or snake). After I walked away further along the hedge, snake jumped out and grabbed a large frog and then slithered lumberously back into hiding. Also the site is too 'dirty'... yucks...
See attached photos:
Turns out there is a narrow strip of hedge between Chinese Gardens Public Park area and the old Sea & West where I sighted:
1) Saturn (record shot below)
2) Common Mormon (too fast to photograph)
3) One unid Arhopala (record shot below... Centaur OB?)
4) Grey Sailor (record shot below from hedge near carpark but saw same species near this hedge also)
5) Lemon Emigrant (no shot)
6) Yellows and Blues
7) A lot of skippers everywhere (1 open wing record shots below)
8) One large snake (dare not go close enough to take record shot)
9) One used Japanese made condom (record shot below in case you don't believe... I don't think I want to prone around that area to take any photos)
10) Lots of foreigners staring at you trying to take photos (dare not take record shot)
Best to start at the entrance to Japanese Garden (in the hedge with the white flowering plant (attached photo), I sighted what looked like Apefly and another medium sized white butterfly with blue tail and 2 black spots on it looks like peacock royale...chased it but it gave me the slip) and then by pass entrance to the public park area next to the carpark. Keep along the right side with the hedge all the way till you reach the strip. The strip is next to the playground (photo attached).
Generally don't think the place is conducive for photography. The snake was coiling away when I approached the hedge (you can hear the slow rustle unlike the quick rustle get away of a much smaller lizard or snake). After I walked away further along the hedge, snake jumped out and grabbed a large frog and then slithered lumberously back into hiding. Also the site is too 'dirty'... yucks...
See attached photos: