View Full Version : The Sun is back

Painted Jezebel
12-Dec-2008, 08:05 AM
From the lack of postings yesterday, I am guessing that it was wet down your way. Well, up here, It has finally started to get better, and I was able to pop out dor a short time. Not much about but, I did manage to find a second colony of the Malay Tiger.

Malay Tiger (Danaus affinis malayanus) - Male, only shown females before.

Great Mormon (Papilio memnon agenor female f. distantianus). Incedentally, on the checklist, there is another tailed female shown by Sum Chee Ming, taken in Hong Kong, which is superficially like this form. However, the hindwing white markings are different, and it lacks the red markings (present on both upper and undersides on f. distantianus) at the hindwing dorsum. Could someone tell me which female form that is?

Common Mime
12-Dec-2008, 02:20 PM
The female Great Mormon is so lovely, Les!

12-Dec-2008, 04:57 PM
You're right Les, we had a very bad weather yesterday, gusty wind & downpour in the after. Certainly your side look much better! Love that great mormon. :thumbsup:

12-Dec-2008, 07:04 PM
Incedentally, on the checklist, there is another tailed female shown by Sum Chee Ming, taken in Hong Kong, which is superficially like this form. However, the hindwing white markings are different, and it lacks the red markings (present on both upper and undersides on f. distantianus) at the hindwing dorsum. Could someone tell me which female form that is?

I've always wanted to know that one too. C&P4 mentions a form called f.tanasahi which seems to match the description (close, bt not entirely), resembling a "tailless f.butlerianus".:grin2: