View Full Version : Flos fulgida singhapura

07-Mar-2009, 07:47 PM
Finally nailed some record shots of this little fellow , one of two BFs in our checklist named with " Singapore "..... not good shots but nevertheless still a rare +1 for me!:dance3:

Flos fulgida singhapura


ISO500 1/300 F/10 in Trigger Happy Mode.

ISO500 1/300 F/11 in Trigger Happy Mode.


Painted Jezebel
07-Mar-2009, 11:49 PM
A record shot is a record shot, irrespective of the quality of the photo. Congrats on this very rare occasion:redbounce . There can not be too many left for you to nail now:grin2: .

You just need to get the other 'singhapura' species. For those of you wondering what it is, it is Delias singhapura (if it is still on the list as it has not been seen for many, many years I believe).

07-Mar-2009, 11:51 PM
That Delias has not been seen for a long long time. In all my years of collecting in my younger days, I haven't even seen one. ;P

There're two more 'singapura' in the checklist. :)

Painted Jezebel
07-Mar-2009, 11:58 PM
Euploea midamus singapura and Nacaduba pavona singapura.:) (I had forgotten about those!) I wonder which of those three Sunny was thinking about?:hmmm:

08-Mar-2009, 12:13 AM
;P I did not even know there is a

Euploea midamus singapura


Delias singhapura

I was thinking of the other "Singapura" : Nacaduba pavana singapura


08-Mar-2009, 02:42 AM
Great record of this rare sp.:)