View Full Version : Lesser Darkie

11-Jan-2010, 11:41 PM
Was out shooting last weekend and came across these two guys at different parts of Seletar. The first one was shot with a flash while the second one was shot without. But i noticed that the eyes of both were of different color. Is this due to the flash or are they of different gender?

With Flash

Without Flash

12-Jan-2010, 12:25 AM
Your first shot is typical of the greenish eyes of the Lesser Darkie. The 2nd one seems to be blind with a diseased eye.

12-Jan-2010, 12:39 AM
Thanks Khew for the clarification. :)

12-Jan-2010, 07:55 PM
I'm always doubtful whether the sp always encountered is unicolor as there are other very similar spp and some have previously been recorded from sg.

12-Jan-2010, 09:28 PM
You've made a valid point, Aaron. The Allotinus spp are not well-studied, as are the Potanthus and Arhopala. There are probably more species amongst what we've shot than we would like to believe. However, unless I go back to 'mass murdering' these few species to establish a collection that has more credibility in terms of establishing their IDs, it would be hard to do so.

Even for dissection, we need references. Right now, Dr Kirton cannot ascertain for sure if the Abisara that Sunny discovered here or not, is kausambi or not. This is because the genitalia appears to match geza but then again, there is no comparison in C&P4 for kausambi's genitalia.

So there's still a lot for us to learn. Hope you can one day rise to the occasion and be a lepidoptera expert we can work with, Aaron. :)

Banded Yeoman
19-Jan-2010, 07:06 PM
Thats a pristine little lesser darkie youv'e got there bluefin. We should all go out and get somemore lesser darkies.
