View Full Version : Save the Kackar Mountains (Turkey)

08-Apr-2010, 01:25 PM
Roger, I've taken the liberty of posting your thread here at ButterflyCircle as well.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Roger C. KENDRICK <hkmoths@yahoo.co.uk>
To: indianmoths@yahoogroups.co.in; hkmoths@yahoogroups.com; YIU Vor <yiuvor@hkentsoc.org>; arnold.vanvliet@wur.nl; Ryan BROOKES <ryan.brookes@yahoo.co.in>; butterfly@mgfx.com; cues@networld.com; dan@osipov.org; donherbisonevans@yahoo.com; editor@naturenet.net; enquiries@benhs.org.uk; Anthony GALSWORTHY <acgalsworthy@btopenworld.com>; Jeremy HOLLOWAY <j.holloway@nhm.ac.uk>; ian@ukmoths.force9.co.uk; info@vlinderstichting.nl; jmason15@cox.net; jmikula@mgfx.com; john.snyder@furman.edu; jvandyk@iastate.edu; Leps-l <leps-l@lists.yale.edu>; Martin LÖDL <martin.loedl@nhm-wien.ac.at>; philjs@mail.utexas.edu; simon_e@inter.net.il; Mark STERLING <mark.sterling@allenovery.com>; timmy@hk.timway.com; webmaster@apollo-frankfurt.de; webmaster@nature.ac.uk; wthark@aol.com
Sent: Thu, April 8, 2010 12:16:21 PM
Subject: [HK moths] Fw: Please sign the petition to save the Kackar Mountains

From a contact who is a member of Butterfly Conservation in the UK.

Please consider adding your voice to this campaign.

best regards,


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Neil Jones <neil@nwjones. demon.co. uk (neil%40nwjones.demon.co.uk)>
To: leps-l@lists. yale.edu (leps-l%40lists.yale.edu); Entomology Discussion List <ENTOMO-L@listserv. uoguelph. ca (ENTOMO-L%40listserv.uoguelph.ca)>
Sent: Wed, April 7, 2010 4:53:30 PM
Subject: Please sign the petition to save the Kackar Mountains

http://www.butterfl y-conservation. org/article/ 9/177/biodiversi ty_hotspot_ threatened_ by_hydro_ electricity_ station.html (http://www.butterfly-conservation.org/article/9/177/biodiversity_hotspot_threatened_by_hydro_electrici ty_station.html)

Please sign the petition to save the Kackar Mountains
The Kaçkar Mountains at Yusufeli, northeast Turkey, are an area of
outstanding importance for biodiversity.

In just 1,800km2 there are no less than three distinct climatic zones
and a wide range of altitudes. This unique landscape supports a huge
range of wildlife and vegetation including Brown Bears, Caucasian Black
Grouse and 28 endemic species of plants.

Two hundred and one species of butterfly can be found here - more
than most European countries and more than 50 percent of the 380
species recorded in all Turkey.

Butterfly Conservation was devastated to learn that there are
well-developed plans for a series of hydroelectric dams and surface
water rerouting throughout the area.

If constructed, the whole region's diversity will be significantly
impacted, as will the cultural and ecosystem integrity of this globally
important region.

Butterfly loss will be immediate.

Please join our call for the Turkish Government to recognise their
obligation to protect the Kaçkar Mountains and it's wildlife.Sign the petition today

http://www.savekack ars.com/index. php (http://www.savekackars.com/index.php)

08-Apr-2010, 01:46 PM

Glorious Begum
08-Apr-2010, 02:19 PM

Leopard Lacewing
08-Apr-2010, 03:03 PM

Great Mormon
08-Apr-2010, 04:06 PM

Branded Imperial
08-Apr-2010, 04:27 PM

Elbowed Pierrot
08-Apr-2010, 04:30 PM
double signed

Cabbage White
08-Apr-2010, 04:43 PM

08-Apr-2010, 05:45 PM
Signed. ^_^

08-Apr-2010, 07:13 PM

08-Apr-2010, 07:51 PM

The Plane
08-Apr-2010, 11:55 PM
Signed...my family members too :)

09-Apr-2010, 12:39 AM
Signed :cheers:

09-Apr-2010, 12:43 AM
Heh... :cheers: The petition organiser must be wondering where the heck this bunch of Singaporeans suddenly came from! :bsmile:

Peacock Royal
09-Apr-2010, 12:50 AM
I have signed and hope we would make a difference.

09-Apr-2010, 01:16 AM
From a bunch of recently ""aware"" Butterfly Lovers!!!:cheers:

09-Apr-2010, 01:46 AM

Painted Jezebel
09-Apr-2010, 09:04 AM
Done. Went there many years ago, and it is a beautiful place.

Banded Yeoman
09-Apr-2010, 04:28 PM

09-Apr-2010, 05:10 PM
Very odd phenomena I observed here in Singapore .:grin2:

The Singaporean nature lovers and web sites tends to support foreign cause in nature conservation than what is happening locally. Everyone jump on those news to give their 2 Singaporean cents worth in support.

I dun mean here lah, the thought just flashed thru when I read this page.;P

When it is a local issue, if it is highlight , most threads in nature sites tends to have a deafening silence .

Such threads could have gotten 100 views but just one or two comments. You know the lack of comments is not they missed the issue. It is as if , they are watching a cock fight , and it is non of their bizness ..... least their reputation or hand get tainted :whistle:

The above is substantiated by the current issue and old threads on other related subjects. Just go visit the local nature webs, societies for the statistic on views vs comments on such threads to convince yourself ,...... as I might be hallucinating.:)

Can this be attributed to the Kiasi syndrome or ""not my area of interest"" so bochap!! :bsmile:

It is quite a sad states of affair actually as it reflects on the maturity of nature conservation attitude.


Painted Jezebel
09-Apr-2010, 07:05 PM
Sunny, this is human nature. One can easily, and happily, complain when it is not your own Country. No problem of being considered a trouble maker. In one's own Country, there is always that thought in the back of your mind. Personally, I am old enough now not to give a damn!

09-Apr-2010, 07:08 PM
:bsmile: I supposed it is better to take an issue internationally !!;P

Irony of life, that pressure have to be exerted from an international source to hurt the image of a nation .......

12-Apr-2010, 10:10 AM
Thanks for your support everyone.

r.e. local vs. international, I've seen the same effect here in HK - definitely smacks of governmental "oppression" at the local level (big brother is watching you and taking note!). The gloves are off though when it comes to an issue in some other country....

In the UK it was different, more hassle to get interest in anything that was more than 10km from someone's door. Nimbyism is rife in the UK.

cheers, Roger.