View Full Version : Call for Photos - Final Round

10-Apr-2010, 01:19 PM
As I am finalising the submission of the text/photos for the Guidebook of Butterflies of Singapore, here is a last call for contributors for shots for the book. :)

Papilionidae - Closed
Pieridae/Coliadinae - any natural open winged shot of any of the species.
Pieridae/Pierinae - any natural open winged shot of any species.
Nymphalidae/Satyrinae - shots of Malayan Five-Ring (Ypthima horsfieldii humei)
Nymphalidae/Danainae - open wing shots of Common Tiger, Dwarf Crow, Blue Glassy Tiger, Dark Glassy Tiger. More shots of Striped Black Crow.
Nyphalidae/Cyrestinae - Underside shots of Little Mapwing

Please email to me at hexaglider@yahoo.com with a 2000pix wide shot at 300dpi resolution in TIFF format. No need to change to CMYK.


21-Jun-2010, 11:23 AM
As the book project progresses steadily, this is the update.

Papilionidae - Completed. Shots of the underside of the Great Mormon (male/female forms), if available, are still welcomed!

Pieridae - Completed

Riodinidae - Completed. Shots of any uppersides of any species can still be considered.

Nymphalidae/Danainae - Completed. Shots of the upperside of Dwarf Crow & Common Tiger needed.
Nymphalidae/Cyrestinae - Completed
Nymphalidae/Charaxinae - Completed. Unless any of you chance upon a Black Rajah. :)
Nymphalidae/Apaturinae - Completed
Nymphalidae/Heliconiinae - Completed
Nymphalidae/Limetidinae - Almost Completed. Shots of undersides of Short Banded Sailor & Chocolate Sailor, upper/underside shots of Knight ssp malayana needed.
Nymphalidae/Morphinae - Completed
Nymphalidae/Satyrinae - Almost Completed. Still need shots of Ypthima humei horsfieldi. Any good upperside shots of the Mycalesis, Orsotriaena or Ypthima also welcomed!
Nymphalidae/Nymphalinae - Almost Completed. Any shots of diff forms of the Great Eggfly welcomed!

The other two big families of Lycaeninae and Hesperiidae are about 80% completed now.

As I am finalising the submission of the text/photos for the Guidebook of Butterflies of Singapore, here is a last call for contributors for shots for the book. :)

Papilionidae - Closed
Pieridae/Coliadinae - any natural open winged shot of any of the species.
Pieridae/Pierinae - any natural open winged shot of any species.
Nymphalidae/Satyrinae - shots of Malayan Five-Ring (Ypthima horsfieldii humei)
Nymphalidae/Danainae - open wing shots of Common Tiger, Dwarf Crow, Blue Glassy Tiger, Dark Glassy Tiger. More shots of Striped Black Crow.
Nyphalidae/Cyrestinae - Underside shots of Little Mapwing

Please email to me at hexaglider@yahoo.com with a 2000pix wide shot at 300dpi resolution in TIFF format. No need to change to CMYK.


21-Jun-2010, 11:36 AM
For those who have contributed, the format of the photos will appear with your name next to the photo (in small print). This will save time to acknowledge each of you separately in an index. Also, when you see your photo and name together, it's more obvious, rather than having to look for the photographer on some other page.

The names of photo contributors will appear as follows. Let me know if you want to change. I suggest using full names where possible so that there won't be 'mistaken' identities. :grin2:

In alphabetical order of surname :

Rey Aguila
James Chia
Sunny Chir
Chng CK (let me know your full name)
Leslie Day
Goh Lai Chong
Federick Ho
Janet Hong
Koh Cher Hern
Henry Koh
Loke Peng Fai
Bobby Mun
Neo Chee Beng
Jason Ng
Nelson Ong
Simon Sng
Sum Chee Ming
Benedict Tay
Tan Chung Pheng
Ellen Tan
Horace Tan
Tan Ben Jin
Wong Chee Ming
Anthony Wong
Mark Wong
Liyana Zolpakar
List will be updated. :)

Painted Jezebel
22-Jun-2010, 08:59 AM
SK, I can help with Dwarf Crow, Common Tiger (both forms), Knight and Short-banded Sailor. However, they are in jpeg, and not TIFF, does that matter?

I surprised myself in discovering that I do not have a decent shot of the common, up here, Chocolate Sailer's underside!

22-Jun-2010, 09:36 AM
Thanks, Les. All pictures welcomed! Moving into the final process of looking at how the pages stack up against each other to see that the design flows. So I may have to replace or switch pictures around. As long as the ssp are similar to those in Singapore, it'll be fine.

Glorious Begum
22-Jun-2010, 10:34 PM
Let me know if you need Knight ssp malayana. I have male & female shots. :cheers:

03-Sep-2010, 02:43 PM
The names of photo contributors will appear as follows. Let me know if you want to change. I suggest using full names where possible so that there won't be 'mistaken' identities. :grin2:

In alphabetical order of surname :

Rey Aguila
Bob Cheong
James Chia
Sunny Chir
Chng Chuen Kiong
Leslie Day
Goh Lai Chong
Federick Ho Foo Him
Janet Hong
Koh Cher Hern
Henry Koh
Loke Peng Fai
Bobby Mun
Neo Chee Beng
Jason Ng
Nelson Ong
Simon Sng
Sum Chee Ming
Benedict Tay
Tan Chung Pheng
Ellen Tan
Horace Tan
Tan Ben Jin
Wong Chee Ming
Anthony Wong
Mark Wong
Benjamin Yam
Liyana Zolpakar

03-Sep-2010, 03:12 PM
The book is now in its final stages of vetting and colour proofing. Printing is expected to commence in the last week of Sep.

In the meantime, there is a need for a few more additional photos of the following species to beef up the pages abit more. So if you have, please contribute to making the book even better! The shots needed are :

Spotted Black Crow (upperside shot if available)
Common Evening Brown (more shots)
Grey Sailor (any shots also can)
Malayan Lascar (one underside shot)
Common Lascar (upperside shot and more if available)
Blue Brownie [Miletus symethus] (Any shots)
Dingy Line Blue (any shots)
Centaur Oakblue (a pristine specimen)
Vinous Oakblue (more shots)
Aberrant Oakblue (more shots)
Bifid Plushblue [Flos diardi] (more shots)
Acacia Blue (more underside shots)
Tajuria dominus (more shots)
Grand Imperial (more shots)
Hieroglyphic Flat (more shots) underside if any (I think Ellen has one)
Common Snow Flat (any shots) Chng is sending me his underside shot
Large Snow Flat (any shots)
Ultra Snow Flat (any shots)
Malayan Snow Flat (any shots)
Erionota torus (any shots taken at USR is likely to be this species)
Erionota apicalis (any shots)

Please send in 1200dpi wide @ 300 dpi JPG files to hexaglider@yahoo.com urgently.

Thanks! :cheers:

Leopard Lacewing
03-Sep-2010, 03:26 PM
I have Centaur Oakblue and Common Snow Flat. Will send you the high-res file tonight.
I do not have the original file with me now.


03-Sep-2010, 03:33 PM
I think I've used your Centaur Oakblue for the book already. :) Need some from others.

03-Sep-2010, 04:46 PM
I can send one Centaur Oakblue pic later. It was a newly eclosed specimen from one recent breeding effort.

03-Sep-2010, 04:50 PM
For Malayan Lascar underside, do you want the pic featured in this past post (http://butterflycircle.com/forums/showpost.php?p=92696&postcount=8)?

03-Sep-2010, 04:50 PM
Thanks! Keep 'em coming. I'm trying to ensure that for most of the more 'common' species that we have shots of, there are at least 3 shots per species. The only 4 species that we don't have are :

Miletus gopara gopara
Arhopala aedias agnis
Arhopala antimuta antimuta
Caltoris philippina philippina

So 4 out of 296 species. Well done to BC! :cheers:

03-Sep-2010, 04:51 PM
For Malayan Lascar underside, do you want the pic featured in this past post (http://butterflycircle.com/forums/showpost.php?p=92696&postcount=8)?

Ok. Can send over. :)

03-Sep-2010, 04:53 PM
Anyone got nice open-winged shots of Lesser Grass Blue or Pygmy Grass Blue? The ones that I'm using for the book are noisy with cluttered background. ;P

05-Sep-2010, 11:44 PM
Keep 'em coming guys.

Thanks to Horace, Chng, Loke, Federick for your photos so far. Updated "needed" list as follows :

Grey Sailor (any shots also can)
Common Lascar (upperside shot and more if available)
Blue Brownie [Miletus symethus] (Any shots)
Dingy Line Blue (any shots)
Centaur Oakblue (a pristine specimen)
Vinous Oakblue (more shots)
Aberrant Oakblue (more shots)
Bifid Plushblue [Flos diardi] (more shots)
Acacia Blue (more underside shots)
Tajuria dominus (more shots)
Grand Imperial (more shots)
Large Snow Flat (any shots)
Ultra Snow Flat (any shots)
Malayan Snow Flat (any shots)
Erionota torus (any shots taken at USR is likely to be this species)
Erionota apicalis (any shots)

Elbowed Pierrot
06-Sep-2010, 12:20 AM
Blue Brownie [Miletus symethus] (Any shots)

Dingy Line Blue (any shots)

Acacia Blue (more underside shots)

Large Snow Flat (any shots)

difficult to find photo since I lost my data list.
Let me know if you see any suitable photos you can use

Peacock Royal
07-Sep-2010, 09:58 PM
Will send you last few shots for you to select later tonight.

Banded Yeoman
09-Sep-2010, 09:27 PM
acacia blue


large snow flat


Banded Yeoman
09-Sep-2010, 09:28 PM
If they are good ones I'll send you a larger version without watermark

10-Sep-2010, 11:15 PM
Thanks to Ben Jin, Horace, Chng, Loke, Federick, Simon, Les, Cher Hern and Jonathan for your additional photos so far. Still a few left if you guys have!

Grey Sailor (any good upperside shot?)
Knight (female ssp parkeri - anyone with a good shot?)
Common Lascar (upperside shot and more if available)
Blue Brownie [Miletus symethus] (Any shots)
Bifid Plushblue [Flos diardi] (more shots)
Tajuria dominus (more shots)
Erionota apicalis (any shots)

Cigaritis wong
11-Sep-2010, 10:59 PM
Thanks to Ben Jin, Horace, Chng, Loke, Federick, Simon, Les, Cher Hern and Jonathan for your additional photos so far. Still a few left if you guys have!

Grey Sailor (any good upperside shot?)
Knight (female ssp parkeri - anyone with a good shot?)
Common Lascar (upperside shot and more if available)
Blue Brownie [Miletus symethus] (Any shots)
Bifid Plushblue [Flos diardi] (more shots)
Tajuria dominus (more shots)
Erionota apicalis (any shots)

Is this a common lascar? Even if it is, dun think it's good enough for your book :whistle:

11-Sep-2010, 11:22 PM
Is this a common lascar? Even if it is, dun think it's good enough for your book :whistle:

:bsmile: Dun be so humble lah... the book contains shots with a wide variety of quality and backgrounds so that it doesn't look like it's full of studio or PS'ed shots. ;P

And that's a Malayan Lascar, by the way. :)

11-Sep-2010, 11:25 PM
Thanks for the great support, everyone. Most of the parts of the book are now completed and I'll be receiving the hardcopy colour proofs for vetting next week, and after that it goes into print. :cheers:

We can still change some last minute photos before the 20th, but that's the absolute last day for any more changes, otherwise the book won't be out for launch on 10 Oct.

Invitations will be sent out on Monday, so keep your Sunday 10 Oct clear for the launch! :gbounce:

Cigaritis wong
11-Sep-2010, 11:28 PM
Sounds like going to be the most comprehensive Singapore Butterfly book to date. Wish you success in your project!

btw, how come my name in your book. i got contribution meh? then u giving me the book free when out? ;P

11-Sep-2010, 11:30 PM

when can we start placing orders for the book? ;P

11-Sep-2010, 11:32 PM
btw, how come my name in your book. i got contribution meh? then u giving me the book free when out? ;P

I try to give everyone who has contributed their photos a chance to feature at least one species somewhere, so that you "own" part of the book as well. :grin2:

And even little Jonathan Soong has a piece of the book after trying sooooooo hard to contribute a photo. :bsmile:

11-Sep-2010, 11:34 PM
when can we start placing orders for the book? ;P

My sponsor is giving every school in Singapore at least a free copy.

The book will be a limited edition which will not be sold in the regular bookstores. Of cos BC members will have priority. :cheers:

12-Sep-2010, 12:09 AM
Thanks for the great support, everyone. Most of the parts of the book are now completed and I'll be receiving the hardcopy colour proofs for vetting next week, and after that it goes into print. :cheers:

We can still change some last minute photos before the 20th, but that's the absolute last day for any more changes, otherwise the book won't be out for launch on 10 Oct.

Invitations will be sent out on Monday, so keep your Sunday 10 Oct clear for the launch! :gbounce:

that means I have 9 days to nail a shot to "own" the book. :bsmile: ;P

The Plane
12-Sep-2010, 08:26 AM
We can still change some last minute photos before the 20th, but that's the absolute last day for any more changes, otherwise the book won't be out for launch on 10 Oct.

Invitations will be sent out on Monday, so keep your Sunday 10 Oct clear for the launch! :gbounce:

What a perfect date to launch the book : 10 / 10 / 10. Easy to remember :bsmile: . I'm sure the book will be a perfect 10 too :thumbsup: .

But I will be in France on that week, so I'm gonna missed this launch :cry: :mad2: :cry: .

12-Sep-2010, 06:49 PM
Er.. how about launch at 10 am in the morning? That will make it 5 perfect 10 ;P . For most of us, we just shoot and contribute photos. For Khew, I am sure his effort is much more than that. Congrats to Khew and BC for close to deliver the 'baby' and I am eagerly await the luanch :cheers:

Banded Yeoman
12-Sep-2010, 07:11 PM
Whoo! I hope I can make it! Congrats!:cheers: :cheers:

12-Sep-2010, 08:04 PM
Er.. how about launch at 10 am in the morning? That will make it 5 perfect 10 ;P . For most of us, we just shoot and contribute photos. For Khew, I am sure his effort is much more than that. Congrats to Khew and BC for close to deliver the 'baby' and I am eagerly await the luanch :cheers:

:bsmile: Yes, the launch is at 10am in the morning. (Maybe 10:10am) :grin2:

At the Function Hall of the Botany Centre of SBG.

13-Sep-2010, 05:48 PM
Oh yes, before I forget, I didn't ask for "model release" approvals from the following BC members. This is how the photo will appear on the page. If you have violent objections, please let me know quickly, otherwise the shot of you in action will be captured for eternity in the book. :bsmile:

Les Day
Benjamin Yam
Wong CM
Bobby Mun (too hamsome and hidden partially)
Ellen Tan
Mark Wong
Liyana Zolpakar

13-Sep-2010, 10:07 PM
Oh man, I hope Les and the rest will give their nod of approval. If not I'll definitely have violent objections. ;P

Cigaritis wong
13-Sep-2010, 10:48 PM
Oh yes, before I forget, I didn't ask for "model release" approvals from the following BC members. This is how the photo will appear on the page. If you have violent objections, please let me know quickly, otherwise the shot of you in action will be captured for eternity in the book. :bsmile:

Les Day
Benjamin Yam
Wong CM
Bobby Mun (too hamsome and hidden partially)
Ellen Tan
Mark Wong
Liyana Zolpakar

i'm hardly recognizable...so ok..u hv my approval.

14-Sep-2010, 01:45 AM
the photograph of me is sexy enough (thats my narcissistic self talking). got my 100% approval!

Painted Jezebel
14-Sep-2010, 08:59 AM
No problems, but I hope that having my ugly mug in the book will not put too many people off!:grin2:

14-Sep-2010, 09:28 AM
Thanks guys. Given the size of the book, these are considered "thumbnail" sized shots, so most of you are not really recognisable. Only you would recognise yourself. :grin2:

Branded Imperial
14-Sep-2010, 09:28 PM
haha.. no objections :)

16-Sep-2010, 12:45 AM
No centrefold spread all to myself? *hiao za bor*lol!! No I have no objections either. Very honoured to be included. :)

22-Sep-2010, 08:52 PM
:thumbsup: Well done! Will migrate back to BC end of this year after my 'contract' expire at GCS.

10 Oct? Sounds good!
