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04-May-2010, 11:38 PM

I need some help with the ID of the 5 following moths. Thanks in advance for your kind help! :)

05-May-2010, 12:28 AM
Hi Zhao ,

It would be much easier for our moth expert to attach a name to each if you can number each of them.


05-May-2010, 10:21 PM
Hi Sunny,

Thx for the suggestion. I've tried to reattach the files but they appear the same and I can't seem to label them.

While I try to figure out how to properly label my photos, perhaps I could use describe each of them instead:

Moth on white wall
Moth resting on black fabric
Moth resting on wood
Moth resting on leaf
Moth on a hand

Sorry about that.

06-May-2010, 11:40 PM
..... perhaps I could use describe each of them instead:

Moth on white wall
Moth resting on black fabric
Moth resting on wood
Moth resting on leaf
Moth on a hand

You could also post one species per thread, then no potential confusion between photos...
Background descriptions are sufficiently adequate for these, though :)

Moth on white wall - Geometridae, Ennominae: Biston sp.
Moth resting on black fabric - Lasiocampidae: probably Dendrolimus sp. or Kunugia sp.
Moth resting on wood - Erebidae, Aganainae: Asota plana
Moth resting on leaf - Sphingidae, Smerinthinae, Ambulycini - Ambulyx moorei
Moth on a hand - another Lasiocampidae: Odonestis angulata

:cheers: cheers, Roger.