Arhopala ammon ammon

Family: Lycaenidae
Subfamily: Lycaeninae
Genus Arhopala
Species: ammon
Subspecies: ammon
Life History: incomplete
Extant in countries: •Singapore

The males are a deep purplish blue above, with a narrow border whilst the females have a broad black border on the forewings. There are tornal green scales on the hindwings below, and the species possesses a pair of white-tipped tails.

Habitat & Habits
This small-sized Arhopala is rather rare, but reported to be "'taken with some regularity in Singapore." The species has been encountered very locally in the nature reserves and makes its appearance relatively often. On occasions, as many as three individuals are seen in the same vicinity. The distinct post-discal spot in space 7 separates this species easily.

Other Observations
To be detailed.

Early Stages
To be detailed.

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Arhopala ammon ammon

Family: Lycaenidae
Subfamily: Lycaeninae
Genus Arhopala
Species: ammon
Subspecies: ammon
Life History: incomplete
Extant in countries: •Singapore

The males are a deep purplish blue above, with a narrow border whilst the females have a broad black border on the forewings. There are tornal green scales on the hindwings below, and the species possesses a pair of white-tipped tails.

Habitat & Habits
This small-sized Arhopala is rather rare, but reported to be "'taken with some regularity in Singapore." The species has been encountered very locally in the nature reserves and makes its appearance relatively often. On occasions, as many as three individuals are seen in the same vicinity. The distinct post-discal spot in space 7 separates this species easily.

Other Observations
To be detailed.

Early Stages
To be detailed.

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos

Arhopala ammon ammon

Family: Lycaenidae
Subfamily: Lycaeninae
Genus Arhopala
Species: ammon
Subspecies: ammon
Life History: incomplete
Extant in countries: •Singapore

The males are a deep purplish blue above, with a narrow border whilst the females have a broad black border on the forewings. There are tornal green scales on the hindwings below, and the species possesses a pair of white-tipped tails.

Habitat & Habits
This small-sized Arhopala is rather rare, but reported to be "'taken with some regularity in Singapore." The species has been encountered very locally in the nature reserves and makes its appearance relatively often. On occasions, as many as three individuals are seen in the same vicinity. The distinct post-discal spot in space 7 separates this species easily.

Other Observations
To be detailed.

Early Stages
To be detailed.

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos