Arhopala aurea
Family: | Lycaenidae |
Subfamily: | Lycaeninae |
Genus | Arhopala |
Species: | aurea |
Life History: | incomplete |
Extant in countries: | •Singapore |
The males of this Arhopala species have forewings with a rather acute apex, unlike the usual Arhopala wing shape. However, the females possess the usual Arhopala characteristics in having rounded forewings.
The male of Arhopala aurea is a bright coppery green above with a slight basal bluish scaling. The hindwing border is broad and irregular and the green scaling does not reach the termen.
The female is purple-blue above in the usual Arhopala fashion. Both sexes have short stumpy tails with tornal green scales.
Habitat & Habits
Arhopala aurea, and another closely related species, Arhopala trogon are reported to be less uncommon in Singapore than on mainland Malaysia. Indeed, this is still the case, as the species are still evident in certain parts of the nature reserves even as recent as November 2001.
Other Observations
To be detailed.
Early Stages
To be detailed.
Further Reading
To be detailed.