Iraota rochana boswelliana

Scarce Silverstreak

Family: Lycaenidae
Subfamily: Lycaeninae
Genus Iraota
Species: rochana
Subspecies: boswelliana
Common Name: Scarce Silverstreak
Life History: complete
Extant in countries: •Singapore

Iraota rochana boswelliana is a rather rare Lycaenid that makes its appearance from time to time at flowering trees and bushes. It flies rapidly and may sometimes be missed due to the speed at which it flies around, not unlike the species in the Rapala, Deudorix and Flos genera.

Habitat & Habits
The butterfly is readily recognisable by the buff to reddish brown undersides with areas of white streaks and spots. The hindwing bears two pairs of tails in the males and three pairs in the females. The males are a deep shining greenish blue above with a broad black forewing border. The females are brown and unmarked above.

Other Observations
In Singapore, females are more often encountered than the males.

Early Stages
Refer to the ButterflyCircle LH blog article Life History of the Scarce Silverstreak.

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos


Iraota rochana boswelliana

Scarce Silverstreak

Family: Lycaenidae
Subfamily: Lycaeninae
Genus Iraota
Species: rochana
Subspecies: boswelliana
Common Name: Scarce Silverstreak
Life History: complete
Extant in countries: •Singapore

Iraota rochana boswelliana is a rather rare Lycaenid that makes its appearance from time to time at flowering trees and bushes. It flies rapidly and may sometimes be missed due to the speed at which it flies around, not unlike the species in the Rapala, Deudorix and Flos genera.

Habitat & Habits
The butterfly is readily recognisable by the buff to reddish brown undersides with areas of white streaks and spots. The hindwing bears two pairs of tails in the males and three pairs in the females. The males are a deep shining greenish blue above with a broad black forewing border. The females are brown and unmarked above.

Other Observations
In Singapore, females are more often encountered than the males.

Early Stages
Refer to the ButterflyCircle LH blog article Life History of the Scarce Silverstreak.

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos


Iraota rochana boswelliana

Scarce Silverstreak

Family: Lycaenidae
Subfamily: Lycaeninae
Genus Iraota
Species: rochana
Subspecies: boswelliana
Common Name: Scarce Silverstreak
Life History: complete
Extant in countries: •Singapore

Iraota rochana boswelliana is a rather rare Lycaenid that makes its appearance from time to time at flowering trees and bushes. It flies rapidly and may sometimes be missed due to the speed at which it flies around, not unlike the species in the Rapala, Deudorix and Flos genera.

Habitat & Habits
The butterfly is readily recognisable by the buff to reddish brown undersides with areas of white streaks and spots. The hindwing bears two pairs of tails in the males and three pairs in the females. The males are a deep shining greenish blue above with a broad black forewing border. The females are brown and unmarked above.

Other Observations
In Singapore, females are more often encountered than the males.

Early Stages
Refer to the ButterflyCircle LH blog article Life History of the Scarce Silverstreak.

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos
