Sinthusa nasaka amba
Narrow Spark
Family: | Lycaenidae |
Subfamily: | Lycaeninae |
Genus | Sinthusa |
Species: | nasaka |
Subspecies: | amba |
Common Name: | Narrow Spark |
Wingspan: | 25 mm |
Life History: | complete |
Extant in countries: | •Singapore |
This species was not recorded in Singapore by earlier authors and is considered a new discovery in Singapore. Sinthusa nasaka amba resembles the Common Tit (Hypolycaena erylus teatus). However, it is much smaller in size and the markings on the undersides of the wings are slightly different from the Common Tit. The undersides of the forewings are shaded with orange.
The males are easily recognised, with the forewing an oily indigo blue and the hindwing shining blue. . It has a pair of thin threadlike tails which are white-tipped.
Habitat & Habits
The species is rather uncommon and is found in localised areas in the nature reserves in Singapore.
Other Observations
To be detailed.
Early Stages
See Butterflycircle's blog article - Life History of the Narrow Spark.
Further Reading
To be detailed.