Miletus biggsii biggsii

Bigg's Brownwing

Family: Lycaenidae
Subfamily: Miletinae
Genus Miletus
Species: biggsii
Subspecies: biggsii
Common Name: Bigg's Brownwing
Life History: partial
Extant in countries: •Singapore

This species is locally common in certain areas and is often found in well-shaded localities on the fringes of nature reserves. The butterfly is reddish brown above, with an oblique white band on the forewing, with the apical area blackish brown. This white band can be very variable, ranging from a distinct white band to almost none at all.

Habitat & Habits
The butterfly has a weak flight, but very often when disturbed from its perch, it flies erratically without stopping to rest for quite some time.
It feeds on several species of aphids and coccids attended by ants of the genus Dolichoderus.

Other Observations
We have observed it trying to lay eggs amongst some aphids which were tended by ants. The ants do not seem to bother with the butterfly and will not attack it.

Early Stages
To be detailed.

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos


Miletus biggsii biggsii

Bigg's Brownwing

Family: Lycaenidae
Subfamily: Miletinae
Genus Miletus
Species: biggsii
Subspecies: biggsii
Common Name: Bigg's Brownwing
Life History: partial
Extant in countries: •Singapore

This species is locally common in certain areas and is often found in well-shaded localities on the fringes of nature reserves. The butterfly is reddish brown above, with an oblique white band on the forewing, with the apical area blackish brown. This white band can be very variable, ranging from a distinct white band to almost none at all.

Habitat & Habits
The butterfly has a weak flight, but very often when disturbed from its perch, it flies erratically without stopping to rest for quite some time.
It feeds on several species of aphids and coccids attended by ants of the genus Dolichoderus.

Other Observations
We have observed it trying to lay eggs amongst some aphids which were tended by ants. The ants do not seem to bother with the butterfly and will not attack it.

Early Stages
To be detailed.

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos


Miletus biggsii biggsii

Bigg's Brownwing

Family: Lycaenidae
Subfamily: Miletinae
Genus Miletus
Species: biggsii
Subspecies: biggsii
Common Name: Bigg's Brownwing
Life History: partial
Extant in countries: •Singapore

This species is locally common in certain areas and is often found in well-shaded localities on the fringes of nature reserves. The butterfly is reddish brown above, with an oblique white band on the forewing, with the apical area blackish brown. This white band can be very variable, ranging from a distinct white band to almost none at all.

Habitat & Habits
The butterfly has a weak flight, but very often when disturbed from its perch, it flies erratically without stopping to rest for quite some time.
It feeds on several species of aphids and coccids attended by ants of the genus Dolichoderus.

Other Observations
We have observed it trying to lay eggs amongst some aphids which were tended by ants. The ants do not seem to bother with the butterfly and will not attack it.

Early Stages
To be detailed.

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos
