Matapa aria

Common Redeye

Family: Hesperiidae
Subfamily: Hesperiinae
Genus Matapa
Species: aria
Common Name: Common Redeye
Life History: complete
Extant in countries: •Thailand •Malaysia •Singapore

The butterfly is a dull brown above and ochreous buff below, with distinctly whitish yellow hindwing cilia. The characteristic feature of this small butterfly (average 18mm wingspan) are the red eyes which are very obvious in a field observation.

Habitat & Habits
The Common Redeye was first observed in the Mandai area in 1998 where a single specimen was observed. After that, there were no observations for a couple of years until the Butterfly Interest Group located a colony of the species at Singapore Botanic Gardens and various other locations in Singapore. The caterpillar of this species was feeding on several types of bamboo and were surprisingly common, considering the rarity of the adult butterfly.
In recent years, the species continued to make an appearance, although usually singly. This specimen was taken at Alexandra Hospital, which can be considered an "urban park".

The butterfly flies in the usual darting Hesperiidae fashion and stays close to the ground.

Other Observations
To be detailed.

Early Stages
Refer to the ButterflyCircle's blog article - The Life HIstory of the Common Redeye.

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos


Matapa aria

Common Redeye

Family: Hesperiidae
Subfamily: Hesperiinae
Genus Matapa
Species: aria
Common Name: Common Redeye
Life History: complete
Extant in countries: •Thailand •Malaysia •Singapore

The butterfly is a dull brown above and ochreous buff below, with distinctly whitish yellow hindwing cilia. The characteristic feature of this small butterfly (average 18mm wingspan) are the red eyes which are very obvious in a field observation.

Habitat & Habits
The Common Redeye was first observed in the Mandai area in 1998 where a single specimen was observed. After that, there were no observations for a couple of years until the Butterfly Interest Group located a colony of the species at Singapore Botanic Gardens and various other locations in Singapore. The caterpillar of this species was feeding on several types of bamboo and were surprisingly common, considering the rarity of the adult butterfly.
In recent years, the species continued to make an appearance, although usually singly. This specimen was taken at Alexandra Hospital, which can be considered an "urban park".

The butterfly flies in the usual darting Hesperiidae fashion and stays close to the ground.

Other Observations
To be detailed.

Early Stages
Refer to the ButterflyCircle's blog article - The Life HIstory of the Common Redeye.

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos


Matapa aria

Common Redeye

Family: Hesperiidae
Subfamily: Hesperiinae
Genus Matapa
Species: aria
Common Name: Common Redeye
Life History: complete
Extant in countries: •Thailand •Malaysia •Singapore

The butterfly is a dull brown above and ochreous buff below, with distinctly whitish yellow hindwing cilia. The characteristic feature of this small butterfly (average 18mm wingspan) are the red eyes which are very obvious in a field observation.

Habitat & Habits
The Common Redeye was first observed in the Mandai area in 1998 where a single specimen was observed. After that, there were no observations for a couple of years until the Butterfly Interest Group located a colony of the species at Singapore Botanic Gardens and various other locations in Singapore. The caterpillar of this species was feeding on several types of bamboo and were surprisingly common, considering the rarity of the adult butterfly.
In recent years, the species continued to make an appearance, although usually singly. This specimen was taken at Alexandra Hospital, which can be considered an "urban park".

The butterfly flies in the usual darting Hesperiidae fashion and stays close to the ground.

Other Observations
To be detailed.

Early Stages
Refer to the ButterflyCircle's blog article - The Life HIstory of the Common Redeye.

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos
