Polytremis lubricans lubricans

Contiguous Swift

Family: Hesperiidae
Subfamily: Hesperiinae
Genus Polytremis
Species: lubricans
Subspecies: lubricans
Common Name: Contiguous Swift
Life History: partial
Extant in countries: •Singapore

The Contiguous Swift is dark golden brown above, with the wings bases overlaid with paler hair-scales. In addition to the cell spots, there are pale yellow hyaline spots on the forewing. The underside has ochreous scaling, and is spotted as above.

Habitat & Habits
It is a common butterfly in secondary jungle and in open spaces in woods and is confined to the lowlands.

Other Observations
To be detailed.

Early Stages
The host plant in Imperata cylindrica (Lallang).

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos


Polytremis lubricans lubricans

Contiguous Swift

Family: Hesperiidae
Subfamily: Hesperiinae
Genus Polytremis
Species: lubricans
Subspecies: lubricans
Common Name: Contiguous Swift
Life History: partial
Extant in countries: •Singapore

The Contiguous Swift is dark golden brown above, with the wings bases overlaid with paler hair-scales. In addition to the cell spots, there are pale yellow hyaline spots on the forewing. The underside has ochreous scaling, and is spotted as above.

Habitat & Habits
It is a common butterfly in secondary jungle and in open spaces in woods and is confined to the lowlands.

Other Observations
To be detailed.

Early Stages
The host plant in Imperata cylindrica (Lallang).

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos


Polytremis lubricans lubricans

Contiguous Swift

Family: Hesperiidae
Subfamily: Hesperiinae
Genus Polytremis
Species: lubricans
Subspecies: lubricans
Common Name: Contiguous Swift
Life History: partial
Extant in countries: •Singapore

The Contiguous Swift is dark golden brown above, with the wings bases overlaid with paler hair-scales. In addition to the cell spots, there are pale yellow hyaline spots on the forewing. The underside has ochreous scaling, and is spotted as above.

Habitat & Habits
It is a common butterfly in secondary jungle and in open spaces in woods and is confined to the lowlands.

Other Observations
To be detailed.

Early Stages
The host plant in Imperata cylindrica (Lallang).

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos
