Unkana ambasa batara

Hoary Palmer

Family: Hesperiidae
Subfamily: Hesperiinae
Genus Unkana
Species: ambasa
Subspecies: batara
Common Name: Hoary Palmer
Life History: complete
Extant in countries: •Singapore •Malaysia

This Skipper is a fairly large species, usually equalling or exceeding the Coconut Skipper (Hidari irava) in size. It has dark brown wings with a number of spots on the forewings. The distinguishing feature of the Hoary Palmer is the strongly whitened hindwings. In the female, the basal two-thirds of the hindwings above are also whitened.

Habitat & Habits
It is a fast flyer, and often returns to the same perch if not disturbed. It has been observed in shaded forested areas, feeding on flowers as well as bird droppings.

Other Observations
The extra long proboscis is unique in this species, where in the pupa stage, the proboscis projects considerably beyond the abdomen. The long proboscis comes in useful when reaching deep into flowers for nectar. The adult butterfly is not common and has been only seen on a few occasions.

Early Stages
Refer to the ButterflyCircle's blog article - The Life History of the Hoary Palmer

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos


Unkana ambasa batara

Hoary Palmer

Family: Hesperiidae
Subfamily: Hesperiinae
Genus Unkana
Species: ambasa
Subspecies: batara
Common Name: Hoary Palmer
Life History: complete
Extant in countries: •Singapore •Malaysia

This Skipper is a fairly large species, usually equalling or exceeding the Coconut Skipper (Hidari irava) in size. It has dark brown wings with a number of spots on the forewings. The distinguishing feature of the Hoary Palmer is the strongly whitened hindwings. In the female, the basal two-thirds of the hindwings above are also whitened.

Habitat & Habits
It is a fast flyer, and often returns to the same perch if not disturbed. It has been observed in shaded forested areas, feeding on flowers as well as bird droppings.

Other Observations
The extra long proboscis is unique in this species, where in the pupa stage, the proboscis projects considerably beyond the abdomen. The long proboscis comes in useful when reaching deep into flowers for nectar. The adult butterfly is not common and has been only seen on a few occasions.

Early Stages
Refer to the ButterflyCircle's blog article - The Life History of the Hoary Palmer

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos


Unkana ambasa batara

Hoary Palmer

Family: Hesperiidae
Subfamily: Hesperiinae
Genus Unkana
Species: ambasa
Subspecies: batara
Common Name: Hoary Palmer
Life History: complete
Extant in countries: •Singapore •Malaysia

This Skipper is a fairly large species, usually equalling or exceeding the Coconut Skipper (Hidari irava) in size. It has dark brown wings with a number of spots on the forewings. The distinguishing feature of the Hoary Palmer is the strongly whitened hindwings. In the female, the basal two-thirds of the hindwings above are also whitened.

Habitat & Habits
It is a fast flyer, and often returns to the same perch if not disturbed. It has been observed in shaded forested areas, feeding on flowers as well as bird droppings.

Other Observations
The extra long proboscis is unique in this species, where in the pupa stage, the proboscis projects considerably beyond the abdomen. The long proboscis comes in useful when reaching deep into flowers for nectar. The adult butterfly is not common and has been only seen on a few occasions.

Early Stages
Refer to the ButterflyCircle's blog article - The Life History of the Hoary Palmer

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos
