Graphium evemon eventus

Lesser Jay

Family: Papilionidae
Subfamily: Papilioninae
Genus Graphium
Species: evemon
Subspecies: eventus
Common Name: Lesser Jay
Wingspan: 70-80 mm
Status: Common
Life History: complete
Extant in countries: •Singapore •Malaysia

This species is often confused with Graphium sarpedon luctatius (The Common Bluebottle) when in flight. It can be distinguished from the other species by its black costal bar on the underside of the hindwing, which is united with the dark basal band.

Habitat & Habits
The species flies very rapidly and eratically, and is fond of flying up and down open sunlit jungle paths. The bright blue upperside often shows itself as it flits quickly by an observer. Graphium evemon eventus is a common butterfly in Singapore, and can be seen on most sunny days in the nature reserves.

Other Observations
Only when it stops to feed on roadside seepages, as the specimen featured here was photographed doing, can the observer distinguish it from the more distinctive Common Bluebottle.

Early Stages
Refer to the ButterflyCircle's blog article - Life History of the Blue Jay.

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos


Graphium evemon eventus

Lesser Jay

Family: Papilionidae
Subfamily: Papilioninae
Genus Graphium
Species: evemon
Subspecies: eventus
Common Name: Lesser Jay
Wingspan: 70-80
Status: Common
Life History: complete
Extant in countries: •Singapore •Malaysia

This species is often confused with Graphium sarpedon luctatius (The Common Bluebottle) when in flight. It can be distinguished from the other species by its black costal bar on the underside of the hindwing, which is united with the dark basal band.

Habitat & Habits
The species flies very rapidly and eratically, and is fond of flying up and down open sunlit jungle paths. The bright blue upperside often shows itself as it flits quickly by an observer. Graphium evemon eventus is a common butterfly in Singapore, and can be seen on most sunny days in the nature reserves.

Other Observations
Only when it stops to feed on roadside seepages, as the specimen featured here was photographed doing, can the observer distinguish it from the more distinctive Common Bluebottle.

Early Stages
Refer to the ButterflyCircle's blog article - Life History of the Blue Jay.

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos


Graphium evemon eventus

Lesser Jay

Family: Papilionidae
Subfamily: Papilioninae
Genus Graphium
Species: evemon
Subspecies: eventus
Common Name: Lesser Jay
Wingspan: 70-80
Status: Common
Life History: complete
Extant in countries: •Singapore •Malaysia

This species is often confused with Graphium sarpedon luctatius (The Common Bluebottle) when in flight. It can be distinguished from the other species by its black costal bar on the underside of the hindwing, which is united with the dark basal band.

Habitat & Habits
The species flies very rapidly and eratically, and is fond of flying up and down open sunlit jungle paths. The bright blue upperside often shows itself as it flits quickly by an observer. Graphium evemon eventus is a common butterfly in Singapore, and can be seen on most sunny days in the nature reserves.

Other Observations
Only when it stops to feed on roadside seepages, as the specimen featured here was photographed doing, can the observer distinguish it from the more distinctive Common Bluebottle.

Early Stages
Refer to the ButterflyCircle's blog article - Life History of the Blue Jay.

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos
