Graphium sarpedon luctatius

Common Bluebottle

Family: Papilionidae
Subfamily: Papilioninae
Genus Graphium
Species: sarpedon
Subspecies: luctatius
Common Name: Common Bluebottle
Wingspan: 70-80 mm
Status: Common
Life History: complete
Extant in countries: •Singapore

This swift-flying butterfly is common in the nature reserves. In flight, one normally catches a glimpse of its blue wings. There is some red spotting on the underside of the hindwing. In Singapore, the Common Bluebottle is frequently found in the company of the Blue Jay (Graphium evemon eventus) and the Five Bar Swordtail (Pathysa antiphates itamputi), flying erratically up and down open jungle paths.

Habitat & Habits
The males of this species can often be found feeding on roadside seepages or urine-tainted sand. Occasionally, up to eight butterflies can be found congregated on one spot. The caterpillar feeds on a species of wild Cinnamon.

Other Observations
To be detailed.

Early Stages
Butterflycirlce blog article - Life History of the Common Bluebottle

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos


Graphium sarpedon luctatius

Common Bluebottle

Family: Papilionidae
Subfamily: Papilioninae
Genus Graphium
Species: sarpedon
Subspecies: luctatius
Common Name: Common Bluebottle
Wingspan: 70-80
Status: Common
Life History: complete
Extant in countries: •Singapore

This swift-flying butterfly is common in the nature reserves. In flight, one normally catches a glimpse of its blue wings. There is some red spotting on the underside of the hindwing. In Singapore, the Common Bluebottle is frequently found in the company of the Blue Jay (Graphium evemon eventus) and the Five Bar Swordtail (Pathysa antiphates itamputi), flying erratically up and down open jungle paths.

Habitat & Habits
The males of this species can often be found feeding on roadside seepages or urine-tainted sand. Occasionally, up to eight butterflies can be found congregated on one spot. The caterpillar feeds on a species of wild Cinnamon.

Other Observations
To be detailed.

Early Stages
Butterflycirlce blog article - Life History of the Common Bluebottle

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos


Graphium sarpedon luctatius

Common Bluebottle

Family: Papilionidae
Subfamily: Papilioninae
Genus Graphium
Species: sarpedon
Subspecies: luctatius
Common Name: Common Bluebottle
Wingspan: 70-80
Status: Common
Life History: complete
Extant in countries: •Singapore

This swift-flying butterfly is common in the nature reserves. In flight, one normally catches a glimpse of its blue wings. There is some red spotting on the underside of the hindwing. In Singapore, the Common Bluebottle is frequently found in the company of the Blue Jay (Graphium evemon eventus) and the Five Bar Swordtail (Pathysa antiphates itamputi), flying erratically up and down open jungle paths.

Habitat & Habits
The males of this species can often be found feeding on roadside seepages or urine-tainted sand. Occasionally, up to eight butterflies can be found congregated on one spot. The caterpillar feeds on a species of wild Cinnamon.

Other Observations
To be detailed.

Early Stages
Butterflycirlce blog article - Life History of the Common Bluebottle

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos
