Euthalia monina monina

Malay Baron

Family: Nymphalidae
Subfamily: Limenitidinae
Genus Euthalia
Species: monina
Subspecies: monina
Common Name: Malay Baron
Wingspan: 50-70 mm
Status: Common
Life History: complete
Extant in countries: •Singapore •Malaysia •Thailand

The Malay Baron is one of the commonest species of the genus Euthalia in Singapore. The female of this species is often confused with Tanaecia pelea pelea (Malay Viscount).

The species is unusual in that the male is polymorphic with at least 3 different forms found in Singapore. The female, shown here, like the males, can often be found feeding on fallen fruits along jungle paths.

Habitat & Habits
To be detailed.

Other Observations
To be detailed.

Early Stages
Refer to the ButterflyCircle's blog article - Life History of the Malay Baron.

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos


Euthalia monina monina

Malay Baron

Family: Nymphalidae
Subfamily: Limenitidinae
Genus Euthalia
Species: monina
Subspecies: monina
Common Name: Malay Baron
Wingspan: 50-70
Status: Common
Life History: complete
Extant in countries: •Singapore •Malaysia •Thailand

The Malay Baron is one of the commonest species of the genus Euthalia in Singapore. The female of this species is often confused with Tanaecia pelea pelea (Malay Viscount).

The species is unusual in that the male is polymorphic with at least 3 different forms found in Singapore. The female, shown here, like the males, can often be found feeding on fallen fruits along jungle paths.

Habitat & Habits
To be detailed.

Other Observations
To be detailed.

Early Stages
Refer to the ButterflyCircle's blog article - Life History of the Malay Baron.

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos


Euthalia monina monina

Malay Baron

Family: Nymphalidae
Subfamily: Limenitidinae
Genus Euthalia
Species: monina
Subspecies: monina
Common Name: Malay Baron
Wingspan: 50-70
Status: Common
Life History: complete
Extant in countries: •Singapore •Malaysia •Thailand

The Malay Baron is one of the commonest species of the genus Euthalia in Singapore. The female of this species is often confused with Tanaecia pelea pelea (Malay Viscount).

The species is unusual in that the male is polymorphic with at least 3 different forms found in Singapore. The female, shown here, like the males, can often be found feeding on fallen fruits along jungle paths.

Habitat & Habits
To be detailed.

Other Observations
To be detailed.

Early Stages
Refer to the ButterflyCircle's blog article - Life History of the Malay Baron.

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos
