Neptis hylas papaja
Common Sailor
Family: | Nymphalidae |
Subfamily: | Limenitidinae |
Genus | Neptis |
Species: | hylas |
Subspecies: | papaja |
Common Name: | Common Sailor |
Life History: | complete |
Extant in countries: | •Singapore |
Hostplants: |
The underside of the Common Sailor is distinctly a rich golden brown and this separates it from the more common Neptis leucoporos cresina.
Habitat & Habits
The Common Sailor is one of the several black-and-white "Sailors" in Singapore, and can sometimes be confused with Neptis leucoporos cresina or the Short Banded Sailor (Phaedyma columella singa) when in flight. It is not as common as previously thought, and the butterfly is only seen in localised areas within the nature reserves and on Pulau Ubin.
The butterfly has a distinct weak gliding / "sailing" flight which is different from the other black-and-white genus Athyma species, which have a more robust and stronger flying pattern.
Other Observations
To be detailed.
Early Stages
Refer to the ButterflyCircle's blog article - The Life History of the Common Sailor.
Further Reading
To be detailed.