Neptis leucoporos cresina

Burmese Sailor

Family: Nymphalidae
Subfamily: Limenitidinae
Genus Neptis
Species: leucoporos
Subspecies: cresina
Common Name: Burmese Sailor
Wingspan: 60 mm
Status: Common
Life History: complete
Extant in countries: •Singapore •Malaysia •Thailand

The wings are black and white above, whilst the undersides are grey. This distinguishes it from the Common Sailor, which has a rich golden brown underside.

Habitat & Habits
This Neptis species is more common in Singapore than its close relative the Common Sailor (Neptis hylas papaja). It is often observed within the nature reserves gliding in the usual 'sailing' fashion that gave the origin to many species in the genus.

Other Observations
To be detailed.

Early Stages
Please see the Butterflycircle blog article - The Life History of the Grey Sailor.

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos


Neptis leucoporos cresina

Burmese Sailor

Family: Nymphalidae
Subfamily: Limenitidinae
Genus Neptis
Species: leucoporos
Subspecies: cresina
Common Name: Burmese Sailor
Wingspan: 60
Status: Common
Life History: complete
Extant in countries: •Singapore •Malaysia •Thailand

The wings are black and white above, whilst the undersides are grey. This distinguishes it from the Common Sailor, which has a rich golden brown underside.

Habitat & Habits
This Neptis species is more common in Singapore than its close relative the Common Sailor (Neptis hylas papaja). It is often observed within the nature reserves gliding in the usual 'sailing' fashion that gave the origin to many species in the genus.

Other Observations
To be detailed.

Early Stages
Please see the Butterflycircle blog article - The Life History of the Grey Sailor.

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos


Neptis leucoporos cresina

Burmese Sailor

Family: Nymphalidae
Subfamily: Limenitidinae
Genus Neptis
Species: leucoporos
Subspecies: cresina
Common Name: Burmese Sailor
Wingspan: 60
Status: Common
Life History: complete
Extant in countries: •Singapore •Malaysia •Thailand

The wings are black and white above, whilst the undersides are grey. This distinguishes it from the Common Sailor, which has a rich golden brown underside.

Habitat & Habits
This Neptis species is more common in Singapore than its close relative the Common Sailor (Neptis hylas papaja). It is often observed within the nature reserves gliding in the usual 'sailing' fashion that gave the origin to many species in the genus.

Other Observations
To be detailed.

Early Stages
Please see the Butterflycircle blog article - The Life History of the Grey Sailor.

Further Reading
To be detailed.

Early Stages Photos
