Dear Doctor Seow,
i was looking through inat and i realise there are two species of white tipped skipper,Erionota hiraca and Erionota acroleuca. Do you know what are the differences or why is there a species shift which i may have missed out?
Skipping regards
Post 121.
As often in taxonomy there are a lot of shifts & turns, & this one have a fair bit.
1881 Wood-Mason & De Niceville described taxon acroleucus from the Andamans.
In the same year (1881) Moore also described a male as hiraca from the Andamans.
de Jong & Treadaway in 1992 thought Moore', name have priority, but this was later proven wrong by later researchers.
Thus the correct name would have been Erionota acrolueca (gender shift to feminine gender).Synonym hiraca.
Semper described taxon apex from Luzon, Philippines in 1892.
This was considered a subspecies of acroleuca.
This taxon apex was applied to all the forms in SE Asia.
Evans described taxon apicalis from Bassein ,Myanmar in 1932, & this name falls as a synonym of apex.
de Jong & Treadaway 1992 judged taxon apex to be distinct & different from the mainland population, elevating it to a new species.
The population in SE Asia is given the next available name ,ie Evans' apicalis.
Thus the population from SE Asia becomes Erionota acroleuca apicalis.
Some researchers also suggest the mainland population (taxon apicalis ) is different from that in the Andamans (taxon acroleuca.).
Thus the current situation if verified by DNA analysis.
1. Erionota acroleuca (= hiraca ). Andamans.
Note HW patch is very broad.
2. Erionota apicalis SE. Asia including NE India.
As E. apex following Evans' 1946 revision.
3. Erionota apex. Phillipines.
Currently here, this is best left as Erionota acroleuca apicalis unless later research into genetics prove otherwise.
TL Seow:Cheers.
PS. Note taxon = taxonomic name.
Dear Doctor Seow,
i have a few skipper i would like confirmation for.
1 - P.omaha?
inat link - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/144145310
2 - P.omaha?
inat link - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/144145286
3 - telicota colon?
inat link - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/143486761
4 - telicota besta?
inat link - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/143486729
thats all
skipping regards
Post 123.
1. Potanthus trachala. male.
FW spot 4 7 5 no overlap.
2. Potanthus omaha. male
3. Telicota besta female.
HW veins lightly dark-dusted.
4. Telicota linna female.
HW veins not dark dusted.
TL Seow; Cheers.
Dear Doctor Seow,
Another few skippers!
1 - pelopidas mathias?
inat link - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/144291328
2 - borbo cinnara?
inat link - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/144291326
3 - oriens gola?
inat link - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/144291330
skipping regards
Post 125.
1. Pelopidas mathias.
Dirty shaded look.
2,. Pelopidas agna.
There is a HW cellspot. Clean look.
3. Oriens gola.
TL Seow ;Cheers.
Dear Doctor Seow,
Belated Merry Christmas! i had a amazing day shooting butterflies on the eve and Christmas itself. And, in the spirit of holiday, i decided to go the extra mile to shoot a couple more skippers, while also revising some of my older observation, and i require some assistance on ID. A lot of one shot one angle wonders
1 - potanthus omaha?
inat link - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/145098926
2 - male quedara monteithi?
inat link - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/145098919
3 - Ampittia dioscorides?
inat link - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/145045544
4 - caltoris cormasa?
inat link - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/145045515
5 - caltoris cormasa?
inat link - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/145045513
6 - caltoris cormasa?
inat link - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/144349293
7 - pelopidas mathias?
inat link - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/144526146
8 - p.mingo?
inat link - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/144847300
9 - p.serina?or mingo?
inat link - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/144845654
10-i have no clue!
inat link - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/115727903
A wee bit heavier post today, gladly appreciate any directions as well!
Skipping regards
Post 127.
1. Potanthus ganda.male.
4th pic. abdominal end yellow; HW veins not darken.
2. Baoris oceia;male Dark antenna; FW with a crescent upper cellspot, & 2 small subapical spot.
3. Ampittia dioscorides.
4. Probably male Caltoris bromus.Two subapical spot; one largish upper cellspot ;Lack of reddish scalings.
5. Polytremis lubricans male.
Antenna with whitish at tip, followed by blackish band.
6. Caltoris malaya male.
Antenna club dark; No upper cellspot; subapical spots rdeuced FW& HW more even coloured.
7. Pelopidas agna male.
4th & 5th pix shows more uniform brown without smudges.
Post 127.
8. Potanthus juno female.
P. juno; FW two subapical spots 6 & 7. Spot 8 absent or sometimes vestigial; Abdominal end darkish.FW spot 5 smaller than spot 4.
Thailand male.
Singapore male & female.
9. Potanthus serina male.
Large; FW spot 5 smaller than spot 4; UnH brown shaded; HW band with small spot 6 at upper inner corner.
10. Potanthus mingo female.
Resembles P. omaha but abdominal end black, UnH with heavy dark shading.
TL Seow:Cheers.
Thank you for the detailed explanation Doctor Seow