25. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/260157405
Female Atrophaneura nox erebus.
I am surprised that this need confirmation.
The female is magical.
She is usually seen flying low in the forest gloom, weaving around the low bushes.
At times she is practically invisible in the dim light, the whitened wingtips appearing like a pair of white moths moving in a synchronized dance.
I'll leave this as it is.
It is either P. bada or ganga.
The HW have large spots & a small spot 6.
It resembles P. ganga but P. ganga is stated to lack this spot (although occassionally it is present).
All species may have different sized spots.
27. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/188986399
Should be correct as M. visala.
Mycalesis is variable & reginal difference can be cinfusing.
Comparison is based on Singapore population.
Two similar species with the white strae around the eyespots enhanced.
M. perseoides.
UnH inner margins of ocelli highly irregular; Dark discal line strongly toothed.
M. visala
UnH inner margins of ocelli more regular; dark discal line less toothed.
Intermediates are likely rather frequent between the two.
Male Euploea camaralzeman malayica.
HW UpH with a scent patch.
The bowed Fw show it is a male.
FW apical spots mostly small, well separated.
E. phanaereta.
FW apical spots often large & in a series.
HWsubmarginal spots sparse.
Male UpH with a large yellow scent patch.
Potanthus trachala.
HW with a spot 7.
FW spot 4& 5 well separated from the others without overlap.
HW upper part of band dislocated & shifted out.
34A. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/234678048
34B https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/62102339
Both are Aeromachus jhora.
A. pygmaeus.
Antenna very short, the club more rounded without a tip.
Kedawi only.
A. jhora.
Antenna longer the club longer with a tip.
Common at Fraser's Hill
36. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/205064824
Male Allotinus leogoron.
Underside more greyish white & markings darker grey.
A. horsfieldi.
Underside pale buff & markins more ochreous.
(Only the female leogoron have sharper teeth than the female horsfieldi. Males have similar teeth.)