Thanks Dr Seow
Even though I went for butterfly-hunting on most of the weekends, I have not been posting butterfly shots here for a while due to rather low butterfly activities in the last few months. Yesterday, for the first time this year I was able to snap more than 50 shots in one outing at Sha Lo Wan, Lantau Island.
99a. Likely to be Aeromachus jhora ? [Note : HK has both A. jhora and A. pygmaeus
100. Which Pelopidas ? P. agna or P. mathias?
101. Parnara guttata
102. Barbo cinnara
103. Catochrysops panormus exiguus
104 A female Common Hedge Blue (Acytolepis puspa gisca) or something else?
105. Megisba malaya sikkima
99. Aeromachus jhora. FW cilia checquered; antennal club with a point.
A. pymaeus. FW cilia plain ;antennal club rounded.
100. Pelopidas mathias. generally greyer vs brown in agna; marginal areas paler .
TL Seow: Cheers.
Butterfly activities in Hong Kong this year (2018) was rather low in the past 3 - 4 months. However, we have started to see improvement in the last two weeks. I will post some of the shots here in batches.
101: Sinthusa nasaka- not sure if this is a different subspecies from that of SG!
102: Caltoris cahira - Need confirmation!
103: Cyrestis thyodamas chinensis - at last I got a better shot of the underside.
104. Papilio machaon - "A migrant"
105. Papilio xuthus xuthus
106a. Pseudoborbo bevani ?
The Sinthusa is an undescribed ssp of nasaka. See: https://www.biosch.hku.hk/ecology/po...34-invert2.htm . Both sexes are quite dimorphic on both surfaces
Post 43.
It is probable there are many more unrecorded species of butterflies in HK.
102. The strongly bowed FW, dark antennae suggest Baoris.
This appear to be correct for Baoris penincillata chapmani or sometimes elevated to Baoris chapmani.
There is reduction in FW spots. Here only two subapicals ( spot 6 & 7) are present. Spots 4 & 5 are absent.
The nos. of spots present are very variable.
106. This has no spots on the HW & no FW subapical spots.
Although it has some resemblance to P. bevani it is not it.
P. bevani have small FW spots , UnH spots & antennae with pale areas.
Caltoris can sometimes have reduced spotting &the UnH is unspotted.
This matches the description of Caltoris tenuis which Evans described as having greenish yellow hair on the body & similar scales on the UnH.
Note this has some resemblance to Caltoris philippina which have sharper FWs & an ochreous green scaling on the underside.
Caltoris philippina is unknown from the whole of the Indochinese region ie Thailand, Cambodia, Laos & Vietnam.
It has a peculiar distribution, ie S. India, Sri Lanka, Malaya & eastwards to the Philippines, Sulawesi , PNG & the Solomons, missing the larger Sunda islands.
Singapore examples.
TL Seow: Cheers.
Shot this at Lung Kwu Tan, Hong Kong in July 2023
112: Which Tagiades ?
Yes. I have shot both HK Tagiades species
What puzzles me is the hindwing outer margin is not whittish in this picture.
112. Tagiades litigiosa.
There are two tiny white spots in space 2 & 3.
T. litigiosa can have both spots or only the upper spot 3.
In wsf the HW marginal spots can form a continuous band.
HW does not have a spot in space 1b .
Valid example from N. Vietnam.
Female (dsf) with FW spots in space 2 & 3.
Male (partial wsf) with only spot 3 (faint)
HK Full wsf with only FW spot 3.
T. menaka is said to have only one variable form.
FW with only spot 3, no spot 2.
HW with a diffuse spot in space 1b inside the marginal spots.
This one from Hk is misID'ed. Should be T. latigiosa .FW only spot 3; HW no spot in space 1b inside the marginal one.
TL Seow: Cheers.
PS. If I am not mistaken T. litigiosa is now correctly T. vajuna.