Shot this Moth at Tioman, hanging on the wall. ID :thinking: anybody?
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Shot this Moth at Tioman, hanging on the wall. ID :thinking: anybody?
Looks like he went thru some heavy flaks. Sure it was taken at Tioman and not Iraq?:bsmileo:
Looks like one of those bombers. ;-)
My guess is its some kind of Hawk Moth? :hmmm:
your moth is Oxyambulyx subocellataQuote:
Originally Posted by Cruiser
it's range : Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo and Java,
Looks more like a battleworn bomber craft than a moth... nice capture.
I have a newbie question... does moths really bite? I know butts are gentle as the wind, but moths?? :hmmm:
Range as in? Where these moths can be found?Quote:
Originally Posted by fluorite
Hi Issac,
Flourite's identification is correct, but the taxonomy is outdated. Oxyambulyx is a synomyn of Ambulyx and subocellata is a junior synonym of moorei. The correct name for this species is Ambulyx moorei. Flourite is referring to the species global distribution, using political entities (countries) as a reference point.
For more information on this species, please look at this species entry in the Sphingidae of the Eastern Palaearctic website by Tony Pittaway and Ian Kitching
Hi Roger, welcome aboard Butterflycircle and glad to have moth expert here to share their knowlege.
Hi Roger, welcome aboard Butterflycircle,
finally you are coming,
waiting for you for a long time,
This stealth bomber is also found in SF: