Dear Dr Seow,
Below are a couple of skippers that i have collated that i require more help with ID with, also welcoming any help i can receive as well! I am still inexperience in Identifying skippers, which i hope i am able to learn much more about them as i slowly learn to check out identification features.
Skipper 1 - Attachment 27684
Skipper 2 - Attachment 27685
I believe it to be a caltoris/baoris species? This was shot in mandai
Skipper 3 - Attachment 27686
I believe it to be also a caltoris/baoris species? Also shot in the same area as skipper 2, but appears to have mild differences
Skipper 4 - Attachment 27687
This flew into a housing area in mandai in the late night of about 9pm, which I believe this to be E. torus or E. thrax, but i still cant quite tell how to observe the shape of the termen in the wings itself.
Skipper 5 - Attachment 27688
This is the same specimen as skipper 4, which i hope helps if its a alternate angle should skipper 4 isnt sufficient
skipper 6 - Attachment 27689
This was observe in woodlands of Singapore nearby a area block for construction, i once again decide this is a E. thrax or E.torus as well
Skipper 7 - Attachment 27690
same specimen as skipper 6, but i decided a backup view would be sufficient
skipper 8 - Attachment 27691
this is found in the same woodlands area, but a different specimen on a different day
skipper 9 - Attachment 27692
i think this is a telicota species?
skipper 10 - Attachment 27693
i believe this is a caltoris/baoris species once again, observe at upper seletar reservoir