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Thread: Samui 9.Nov 2011

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    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Koh Samui, Thailand

    Default Samui 9.Nov 2011

    Due to the suprisingly benign weather we are having at the moment, I went to a new wooded area near to a friend's bungalow complex. As elsewhere on the Island, very little about but there were a few.

    1) Arhopala atosia or A. lurida. I can't tell these two apart. However, the tail is missing, so that also brings in A. epimuta as a possibility. Also note the small additional spot in the basal area of space 7 hindwing.
    2 & 3) I think these two show a male Arhopala ariana ariana.
    4) This can only be one of 3 species, Bibasis sena uniformis, Hasora proxissima and Hasora mavis. I don't think B. sena uniformis has been found this far north, and the other ssp., B. s. sena, has not been seen this far south. H. proxissima has not been found this far south, so that leaves Hasora mavis, could it be another male? It was high up in a tree, in full sunshine, and it has been severely cropped.
    5) This shot is an embarrassment, and I was not going to show it. However, I think this may be a new Prosotas species for me (it was very small). Again, taken at a long distance, high up in a tree. I am hoping that enough details can be seen to provide a tentative ID, but I am not holding my breath.
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