Dear Dr. Seow sir, I hope you are good and healthy as always. I have tried to identify some of the moth species available in our area and would like to have your views on it. Kindly provide the id keys of the species (under the identified genus) if possible.

Atanu Bora


1. Achelura bifasciata?

Achelura bifasciata.jpg

2. Achrosis pyrrhularia?

Achrosis pyrrhularia.jpg

3. Asota egens?

Asota egens.jpg

4. Berta sp.?

Berta sp..jpg

Berta sp. 2.jpg



6. Cyclosia midamia?

Cyclosia midamia.jpg



8. Episteme vetula?

Episteme vetula.jpg

9. Eupterote sp.?

Eupterote sp..jpg

10. Mangina argus

Mangina argus.jpg

11. Marumba spectabilis?

Marumba spectabilis.jpg

12. Numenes siletti?

Numenes siletti.jpg

13. Ophthalmitis sp.?

Ophthalmitis sp..jpg

14. Problepsis vulgaris?

Problepsis vulgaris.jpg

15. Theretra lucasii?

Theretra lucasii.jpg

16. Theretra nessus?

Theretra nessus.jpg

17. Urapteroides astheniata?

Urapteroides astheniata.jpg