I think below should be a moth, am I correct ?
Thanks in advance for your advice.
I think below should be a moth, am I correct ?
Thanks in advance for your advice.
i see clubbed shaped antennas :P
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or one.
Ah...I got what you mean. Next time I know how to see liao. So I was right. Thanks a lot GM !.
Its a butterfly.... looks like the Rustic that whose life history was recently featured on the blog.
As quoted by wikipedia...
The most obvious difference is in the feelers, or antennae. Most butterflies have thin slender filamentous antennae which are club shaped at the end. Moths, on the other hand, often have comb-like or feathery antennae, or filamentous and unclubbed. This distinction is the basis for the earliest taxonomic divisions in the Lepidoptera - the Rhopalocera ("clubbed horn", the butterflies) and the Heterocera ("varied horn", the moths).
There are, however, exceptions to this rule and a few moths (the family Castniidae) have clubbed antennae. Some butterflies, like Pseudopontia paradoxa from the forests of central Africa, lack the club ends. The Hesperiids often have an angle to the tip of the antenna.
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or one.
opps... so embarrass. I was wrong
. OK, I really got it now.
Should have known. Rustic was just featured in Butterflies of Singapore blog on 26 Sept ...really BK.